Publications: Community and regional impacts
Nilson, Robi, Joseph Rand, Ben Hoen, and Salma Elmallah."Halfway up the ladder: Developer practices and perspectives on community engagement for utility-scale renewable energy in the United States."Energy Research & Social Science
117 (2024). DOI
Hoen, Ben, James Diffendorfer, Joseph Rand, Louisa Kramer, Chris Garrity, and Hannah Hunt."US Wind Turbine Database Files."
(2024). DOI
Brunner, Eric, Ben Hoen, Joseph Rand, and David Schwegman."Commercial Wind Turbines and Residential Home Values: New Evidence from the Universe of Land-Based Wind Projects in the United States."Energy Policy
(2023). DOI
Ball, Jason, Sydney Forrester, Alexandra Grayson, and Andrew Satchwell."Electric Vehicle Program Designs and Strategies to Enhance Equitable Deployment."
Bessette, Doug, Joseph Rand, Ben Hoen, Karl Hoesch, Jake White, Sarah Mills, and Robi Nilson."Community Centered Solar Development (CCSD) Study Interviews."
Hoen, Ben, Ryan Darlow, Ryan Haac, Joseph Rand, and Ken Kaliski."Effects of land-based wind turbine upsizing on community sound levels and power and energy density."Applied Energy
15 (2023). DOI
Elmallah, Salma, Ben Hoen, K Sydny Fujita, Dana Robson, and Eric Brunner."Shedding light on large-scale solar impacts: An analysis of property values and proximity to photovoltaics across six U.S. states."Energy Policy
(2023). DOI
Luo, Qian, Fernando Garcia-Menendez, Haozhe Yang, Ranjit Deshmukh, Gang He, Jiang Lin, and Jeremiah X Johnson."The Health and Climate Benefits of Economic Dispatch in China’s Power System."Environmental Science & Technology
57.7 (2023) 2898–2906. DOI