About us

Who We Are

Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck (M2FCT) is a Department of Energy (DOE)-funded consortium formed by five primary national labs to overcome durability and efficiency challenges in PEMFCs for heavy-duty applications with an initial focus on long-haul trucks. The consortium coordinates National Laboratory activities related to fuel-cell efficiency and durability, provides technical expertise, and harmonizes activities with industrial developers across the Hydrogen Fuel Cell and Technology Office's HDV PEMFC portfolio, which is located in DOE's Office of Energy Efficiencey & Renewable Energy, thus amplifying their impact.

M2FCT comprises five principle National Laboratories listed below and 3 affiliate laboratories.

National Laboratory Consortia Members:

  • Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Argonne National Laboratory
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • ​Oak Ridge National Laboratory

M2FCT also supports various industry- and academia-led projects and collaborates with a growing network of partners.

Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck M2FCT

0 Labs

Primary and partner national labs

0 Partners

From industry and academia

0 Researchers

PI, Research Staff, Post-docs, Students

project partners map



Organizational Chart

Contact Us: m2fct@lbl.gov