PUC Peer-Sharing Webinars on Integrated Distribution System Planning
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Date Published
Relf, Grace, Joy Wang, Fredrich Kahrl, Paul De Martini, Caitlyn Edmundson, Rob Peterson, Sean Morash, Brad Borum, Tim Woolf, Jennifer Yoshimura, Sarah Hall, Tera Dornfeld, Josh L Bode, Megan Gilman, Robert Peterson, Lisa C Schwartz, James Lester, Nick Sayen
The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, in partnership with Berkeley Lab and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, is hosting peer-sharing webinars on integrated distribution system planning for public utility commissions beginning February 27th. The series will provide structured opportunities for states to learn from each other. Commission presenters will share their experiences, lessons learned and remaining challenges. Subject matter experts will tee up the conversation with a brief presentation and be available to answer questions. Attendance is limited to public utility commissioners and commission staff.
Year of Publication
Research Areas
Energy Planning and Procurement, Bulk Power System Planning, Procurement and Market Processes, Integrated Distribution System Planning - Project