Park, Won Young, Nihan Karali, and Nihar Shah."Driving the Shift to Energy-Efficient and Climate-Responsible Commercial Refrigeration Equipment in Chile."
Coalition, UNEP Cool, and Nihar Shah."Keeping it chill: How to meet cooling demand, while cutting emissions."
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Dreyfus, Gabrielle, Max Wei, Nihar Shah, and Kristen Taddonio."Ambitious Replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for Implementation of the Montreal Protocol Delivers High Impact Climate Benefits at Low Cost."
Park, Won Young, Nihan Karali, Peng Peng, Sunhee Baik, Nihar Shah, Brian Holuj, and Marco Duran."Model Quality and Performance Guidelines for Off-Grid Refrigerating Appliances."
Wei, Max, Chao Ding, Nihar Shah, Brian Holuj, and Marco Duran."Model Regulation Guidelines for Energy-Efficient Ceiling Fans."
Wei, Max, and Nihar Shah."Costs and benefits of improving cooling equipment efficiency including a novel improvement-linked incentive approach: Quantifying the opportunity for combining aggressive energy efficiency with Montreal Protocol refrigerant transition."
Dhawan, Vibha, Nihar Shah, Gabrielle Dreyfus, Durwood Zaelke, Zerin Osho, Amelia Murphy, and Sanjay Seth."Low Carbon Development Pathways for Cooling: Leveraging Kigali Amendment Across Residential Applications."
Letschert, Virginie E, Shreya Agarwal, Stephane de la Rue du Can, and Won Young Park."Cost-Benefit Analysis for Air Conditioner in Tunisia."
Khanna, Nina, Chao Ding, Won Young Park, Nihan Karali, and Nihar Shah."International review of market trends, technologies and policies for commercial refrigeration equipment and implications for China."
Shaffie, Ambereen, Nihar Shah, Nihan Karali, Won Young Park, Moustafa Al-Sammany, Brian Holuj, and Leon Becker."Cooling Egypt: Cost and benefits of room air conditioner efficiency improvement in Egypt."
Can, Stephane de la Rue du, Virginie E Letschert, Shreya Agarwal, Won Young Park, and Usamah Kaggwa."Energy efficiency improves energy access affordability."Energy for Sustainable Development
70 (2022). DOI