Rod Borup, the co-director of the Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck and Los Alamos National Laboratory’s program manager for fuel cells and vehicle technology, contributed to an article on the New Mexican's Science on the Hill section. The article discusses the current state and the future of fuel-cell-powered clean trucks, their positive impact on the environment, and their advantages over diesel trucks.
Million-Mile Fuel Cell Truck Consortium and their research on developing the state of hydrogen fuel-cell technology for heavy-duty vehicle applications have been covered in a Press Release by Berkeley, with contributions from Dave Cullen (ORNL) and Ahmet Kusoglu (LBNL), as well as Adam Weber (LBNL) and Rod Borup (LANL), the co-directors of the M2FCT consortium.
National labs M2FCT researchers outline prospects and challenges for hydrogen fuel-cells in heavy-duty transportation
An Albuquerque Journal article on the role of hydrogen fuel cells for powering trucks, by Rod Borup, the co-director of the M2FCT Consortium and Los Alamos National Laboratory’s program manager for hydrogen and fuel cells. Read the article in the Albuquerque Journal
Scientific American Article on Fuel Cell Trucks discusses the advantages of fuel cell trucks. Hydrogen fuel weighs less than electric batteries, making it an attractive option for long-haul vehicles. M2FCT researcher Adam Weber (LBNL) was also quoted in the article.